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Version: mainnet (v0.71)

List margin levels

Get a list margin levels that match the provided criteria. If no filter is provided, all margin levels will be returned.

Query Parameters
    partyId string

    Party ID for which to list the margin levels.

    marketId string

    Market ID for which to list the margin levels.

    pagination.first int32

    Number of records to be returned that sort greater than row identified by cursor supplied in 'after'.

    pagination.after string

    If paging forwards, the cursor string for the last row of the previous page.

    pagination.last int32

    Number of records to be returned that sort less than row identified by cursor supplied in 'before'.

    pagination.before string

    If paging forwards, the cursor string for the first row of the previous page.

    pagination.newestFirst boolean

    Newest records first, older records last, default is true.


A successful response.

    marginLevels object

    Page of margin levels data and corresponding page information.

    edges object[]

    Page of margins data and their corresponding cursors.

    cursor string
    node object

    Margin levels data that satisfy a list margin levels request.

    asset string
    collateralReleaseLevel string
    initialMargin string
    maintenanceMargin string
    marketId string
    partyId string
    searchLevel string
    timestamp int64
    pageInfo object

    Page information that is used for fetching further pages.

    endCursor string
    hasNextPage boolean
    hasPreviousPage boolean
    startCursor string
GET /api/v2/margin/levels


Base URL
partyId — query
marketId — query
pagination.first — query
pagination.after — query
pagination.last — query
pagination.before — query
pagination.newestFirst — query
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'