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Version: mainnet (v0.71)

Estimate fee

Estimate the fee that would be incurred for submitting an order with the specified price and size on the market.

Query Parameters
    marketId string required

    Market ID, used to specify the fee factors.

    price string required

    Price at which the potential order is expected to trade.

    size uint64 required

    Size at which the potential order is expected to trade.


A successful response.

    fee object

    Summary of the estimated fees for this order if it were to trade now.

    infrastructureFee string
    liquidityFee string
    makerFee string
GET /api/v2/estimate/fee


Base URL
marketId — query required
price — query required
size — query required
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'